IT Consulting Services

Why Choose Us?

  • Quick Quotes
  • Fast Repairs
  • Quality Repairs
  • Work Guarantee
  • Courier Service Available
  • Same-Day Local Service
  • We do it all


  • Do you supply replacement parts and new laptops and desktop computers?

    Yes. Our technician carries a standard list of common products, spare parts and accessories. The aim is to get the job done as efficiently as possible by having all the parts and tools onsite to get the job done the first time around. Each technician also carries a new desktop and laptop computer with them. These computers are selected and designed to meet the needs of most pc users. If you need a custom build computer that is fine with us that we will build to order and can provide you with a tailor-made solution.

  • Can I get a technician outside business hours on the weekend or public holidays?

    Yes. We are open weekdays, Saturday and evenings and public holidays. We offer competitive rates and offer a fast response as well as our express service wherein less than one hour we will be onsite fixing your computer problems. We also offer punctual appointment times, expert help and a unique No Fix No Fee Guarantee and 14 Day Work Satisfaction Guarantee!

  • Are there services you don’t offer?

    For the moment we do not offer support for businesses with over 250 computers. We apologise for any inconvenience, but please stay tuned because we are working on it!

  • What if I really don’t know what the problem is?

    That is totally fine. We will come to you, review your system and recommend a few solutions for you to choose from. Our you can send us your computer via a Courier and we will contact you after we found the problem and solution of your computer.

Contact Info

Computer Repair

Remote/Online IT Support and Consulting Services

Our Remote/Online IT Support and Consulting Services are designed to provide you with seamless, expert-level IT support and consultation without the need for an on-site presence. In today's fast- paced and interconnected world, ensuring the health and efficiency of your IT systems is paramount. With our remote services, you can access timely, cost-effective, and reliable assistance, regardless of your location.

Comprehensive Details:

24/7 Support:

We offer round-the-clock assistance to address any IT-related issues promptly. Our team is always available to resolve your problems, from technical glitches to network troubleshooting.

Expert Consultants:

Our experienced IT consultants will help you plan, optimise, and implement IT solutions that align with your business goals. They offer strategic guidance to ensure your IT infrastructure meets your evolving needs.

Secure and Efficient:

We employ state-of-the-art security measures to protect your data and systems during remote sessions. Our efficient solutions minimise downtime and enhance productivity.

Remote Monitoring:

Our proactive approach includes remote monitoring of your IT systems to identify and rectify potential problems before they disrupt your operations.

Custom Solutions:

We understand that every business is unique. Our services are tailored to your specific requirements, whether it's software troubleshooting, hardware upgrades, or network architecture design.


Our Remote/Online IT Support and Consulting Services provide 24/7 assistance by expert consultants. We ensure your IT systems are secure, efficient, and tailored to your needs.

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